The Gentle Woman

Gentleness is strength wrapped up in peace

Hello and welcome! I’m Sharon.

I am a mindfulness and holistic wellness practitioner, specialising in teaching group mindfulness programs to adults, teenagers and children. I have become known for my down-to-earth, engaging and authentic teaching style.

My journey as a therapist began in 2010 following a time of much change and growth in my life. Whilst I was living with relatively good health and my baseline happiness levels were ok, I realised that I wasn’t fulfilled in my life and that there was another way to live. A way of living that moved at a slower pace, one that gave me a greater sense of joy, inner peace and overall well being in all aspects of my life.

Following my training and after gaining some valuable experience I set up my Holistic Wellness Practice ‘The Souls Sanctuary’ through which I have been blessed to work with and guided hundreds of people over the past 10 years.

I am qualified in a number of holistic therapies and treat clients with a wide range of issues and conditions such as; back pain, migraine, PMS, endometriosis, menopause, allergies, sinusitis, depression, anxiety, osteoporosis, COPD, oedema and arthritis. I have a special interest in women’s health, particularly pregnancy and the post-natal period, and enjoy working in this area very much. I also work with babies and children.

As 75% of illness and disease is caused by stress, I place a strong emphasis on mental health and stress relief in all treatments. I believe that no two people are the same, so therefore I ensure that each treatment is suitably tailored to meet your individual needs, in a way that offers homecare advice that works within the context of your life. My mission is to offer you a truly holistic experience that caters to your specific needs.

I strongly believe in the importance of continued learning and professional development and over the years I have added to my qualifications. In 2016 I decided to train within the area of Mindfulness, as I felt that this was the missing ingredient in my recipe for empowering my clients to play a transformative role in their own overall health & wellbeing. Since then I have further trained and qualified to teach Mindfulness to both adults and children.

More recently I created the hugely popular ‘The Gentle Lifestyle’ Mindfulness Programs’ which has allowed me to teach both adults and children the life changing principles & practices of living mindfully, something that I am truly passionate about.

My passion for teaching mindfulness stems from my firm belief that anyone can create the kind of incredible inner transformation I have undergone once they know how. As a mindfulness teacher, I am still learning, discovering and deepening my practice every day. My mission is to help you cultivate a more fulfilling and meaningful life. My purpose is to make Mindfulness accessible and practical for everybody, everyday, in every circumstance, by demystifying the practice of meditation, as well as clarifying just what it means to Live Mindfully.

‘You cannot pour from an empty cup’ and I have learned the importance of self-care.

Shar x

“My son has had several treatments with Sharon, and she has always made him feel so special, as she was always 100% focused on him and what he needed. He would say ‘Sharon’s treatment room is like a little bit of heaven’. 5 stars all the way, as we couldn’t recommend Sharon highly enough. Thank you Sharon for everything that you do”

Rita M, Clare